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Daily Rhythm

Our days are sculpted by the seasons and we love to embrace amazing moments in nature. We stick to an established rhythm for mealtimes and playtimes for the benefit of all.

A Gentle Start...

Our days begin at 9am with a warm welcome and a short settling in period to transition from home to Thrive.


Circle time

We like to wake ourselves up in the fresh air, setting the mood and tone for the day. Singing songs, reciting rhymes, playing instruments, fingerplays and body movement, all prepare us for the day ahead.


A balance of explicit teaching and child-led learning to develop literacy skills.

We use a range a multisensory approaches to develop children's reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.

Break and snack

Around 10:am we all head outside to play and enjoy a healthy fruit or vegetable snack.


A balance of explicit teaching and child-led learning of numeracy skills.

Multisensory approaches are engaged to teach and learn: number, algebra, shape and space, measures, and data.


Leisurely Lunch

After a busy morning, children sit together at the dining table or picnic table and enjoy their lunch. They then have plenty of time outside to play, explore or relax.

Handwork & Storytelling

Children engage in a range of developmentally appropriate projects, bringing balance between intellectual and movement activities, as well as offering a positive therapeutic impact on brain health and emotional wellness.

Discovery-led learning

Whether it's indoors or out, children experience an afternoon of discovery-led learning, linked to the seasons and our topic. Children engage with purposefully designed learning areas and exciting resources to stimulate exploration and creativity.

Alongside this we offer activities such as crafts, science, design technology, bushcraft and forest skills, geography, gardening and sustainability, cooking and adventuring! 



Exposing children to a range of instruments we break music down into the basic elements: melody, harmony, and rhythm. Experiencing these elements children begin to see the connection to how music is a purely human art form and lives in every aspect of the body.

Story time

Stories spark imagination and create conversations. Reading together can trigger questions and help children understand more about the world around them, while also stimulating the mental patterns that are fundamental to creativity.

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